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[英国] 《KillerSaurus》2015(动作/科幻/惊悚)

% y0 A! x2 Q4 i7 q5 u4 }; |0 O2 f
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外文名: KillerSaurus
+ B/ k( X1 f0 q. [导演: Steve Lawson
4 Y. S2 S' v3 h$ V编剧: Steve Lawson6 p( ~" B4 D) i! ^- ^
主演: Julian Boote / Adam Collins / Helen Crevel / Steven Dolton / Vicki Glover / Kenton Hall / Marc Hamill/ X9 \9 \8 X" _% t' r: g
类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚
4 u& O; V3 l1 \- W/ t; E制片国家/地区: 英国9 @# g% G% B+ {
语言: 英语9 k! s5 j6 _( M: @: j( ]0 t8 N
上映日期: 2015-07-06(英国)) y0 T0 x; }% h+ A4 |- T# V
片长: 75分钟
% ?4 g9 _6 h: L) i0 ~( ]IMDb链接: tt4699624* ~4 w: M. @/ d/ ?1 _* r6 L( [2 J

" p* I4 T! s# l0 PKillerSaurus的剧情简介  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·5 `" w* }+ c3 L  X" t" n
  When a scientist runs short of funding for his life-saving medical Bio-Printing research, he accepts an offer of investment from a shadowy military organisation. In return, he is forced to use his technology to create the ultimate battlefield weapon - a full size Tyrannosaures Rex. After a horrific accident in which the dinosaur massacres his research team, the scientist shuts down the project. However, his investors demand results and it can only be a matter of time before the deadly T-Rex is unleashed upon the world.
6 b$ d2 [0 P8 W) c3 [: u$ M  g# b( B
电影 电驴资源列表! N7 V2 w4 J) ^9 b% Q6 h: |" A' E
【DVD】KillerSaurus.(2015).iNTERNAL.DVDRip.x264-SPRiNTER.mkv [325.57MB]
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